Nostalgia at Agadir Oufella: A Journey Through the Time
From July 24th to the 28th, 2024, the Kasbah of Agadir Oufella hosted the new edition of the cultural event “ Nostalgia, emotions of the past “. The event celebrated outstanding times in the history of the Kasbah and the surrounding area. The audience has experienced a multitude of sceneries reconstructing the history of the place through some captivating artistic performances which highlighted various elements of the local cultural heritage.
The event coincided with Agadir’s peak of tourist activity, thus contributing positively to the high attendance rate which included both local and international visitors. This initiative provided a rehearsal of the intangible cultural heritage of the area reinforcing a sense of belonging and cultural peculiarity.
The second edition has also been particularly marked by the involvement of the local population in weaving the strings linking the past to the present , enriching thereby the experience of visiting the Kasbah of Agadir Oufella.